Fitness Level 4: Racers!
Looking Ahead: With five weeks remaining in the program, we are currently focused on the Hapalua Half-Marathon (April 10). We are considering road and trail running on long-steep hills during the summer, with marathon training in the fall.
Level 4 Announcements (by BC).
If you have a program-related announcement, please let me know via our Slack L4 page or my email address, and I’ll post it for you.
The Sunday, May 8, Workout. Meet at 6:30 a.m. at the usual place in Kapiolani Park. Note. Brian still doesn’t have his motorcycle, and may need a ride.
We will do a visualization run on the Hibiscus course to the Aloha Station and back (Sheri will go to the turn-around point in Aina Haina and back). Please familiarize your self with the course map before the workout so you know where to go.
This Week’s Evening Workout Access Numbers: Please use the old access number on Tuesday and the new one (below) on Thursday.
- Here’s the old number: +13462487799,,87875359367#
- Here (below) is the new number for Thursday.
Meeting ID: 873 3836 7215
One tap mobile
Our program encompasses a training and education model. In education, I believe each student needs an opportunity to articulate their experience and understanding. This wouldn’t be possible with a hundred people on a single conference call.
A hundred people can listen to me talk and there could be some value in that. But I don’t have to be the only source of knowledge, especially on the topic of, say, how to run hills by the rules. Any of you could tell others how to run hills, i.e., go slow enough to remain relaxed on the uphills and be in control on the downhills.
For starters and for practice, here is an audio Wisdom Topic on running hills for discussion during your workout this Tuesday. Please listen to the file during the meeting. Then tell one another what it means in your own words and from your own experience.
Enjoyable Hill Training. Here are a number of additional Wisdom Topics on the subject of Enjoyable Hill Training:
Level 4 Log Form
Click to fill in Level 4 Log form
Level 4 Racer Workout Recordings
Week 1 Thursday
Week 3 Tuesday
Week 4 Thursday
Week 6 Tuesday
Week 7 Tuesday
Week 9 Thursday
Week 12 Tuesday
Kenny Moore Stories
Week 2 Tuesday
Week 3 Thursday
Week 5 Tuesday
Week 6 Thursday
Week 7 Thursday
Week 11 #1 Tuesday
Week 12 Thursday
Hibiscus Week 2 Tuesday
Week 2 Thursday
Week 4 Tuesday
Week 5 Thursday
Week 6 Sunday
Week 8 Thursday
Week 11 #2 Thursday
Week 13 Tuesday
Fitness Information Packet
Fitness Level 4: Racers
Racer Fitness Level & Program Habits
Transformation. Each of the following fitness groups is in the process of transforming from one fundamental way of being to another. Inner transformation occurs at the level of one’s personality: the person we declare ourselves to be, thereby obtaining the results we desire.
- Transitioner. Non-athlete to novice athlete.
- Launcher. Novice athlete to beginner.
- Practitioner. Beginner to intermediate Practitioner.
- Racer. Practitioner to advanced Racer.
- Master. Racer to master runner.
Racers want to do a specific race but they aren’t clear about how to train for it effectively. Their training is fraught with pitfalls based on limited experience, incorrect ideas, and haphazard planning, all of which prevents them from becoming fully racing fit.
- Their racing goals are a work in progress, as the more they learn about the training process, the more their goals evolve, along with the means to achieve them. The hard- easy system they are learning illuminates and reveals a correct path forward.
- Racers learn how the fundamental aspects of the training process—effort and energy— can be used to measure their recoveries. With that understanding they can exert optimal workout efforts, and thereby more effectively enhance their racing fitness.
- Practice races and test-efforts reinforce the learning process, along with a full schedule of moderately difficult workouts structured according to ability-building rules. A few hard workouts late in the training give racers an experience of training at the master level.
Racers are becoming racing fit—a transformation from mere practitioner to compe- tetive racer. It helps to already possess a predisposition to becoming more competitive. Hard training is, by definition, difficult. The road there challenges like a part-time job.
- It helps to focus on doing certain race events while practicing the means to develop a full complement of racing abilities for them.
- It helps to start at a modest workout effort level for the sake of gradually and incrementally approaching a harder and more optimal level.
- It helps to have the time to train on a strict time-table, with three major workouts scheduled in regular weekly time slots, and with 2 or 3 recovery runs in between.
- It helps to review and practice the skills of running, already made habitual at thePractitioner level, where the eight basic skills are a major training focus.
Level 4 Schedule
Click link to download, print, or view the schedule. 2022 Schedule
The Five Racer Habits
Personality-based habits form a feedback loop, as positive behavior garners satisfying results that reinforce right behavior. Habits are not about having something, but becoming someone: the person you want to be. New habits have the power to change your beliefs about yourself.
A habit is an automatic, unconscious solution to a real-life problem. You don’t have to think about habitual behavior. The thinking only occurs as you are setting up and repeating the behavior you want to do automatically, without thinking about it.
- There are four steps to building a habit: declaring your intent, remembering in the moment, following through on your commitment, and reaping rewarding results. This program will suggest appropriate habits; you must provide the mental and physical work.
The most effective form of learning is self-discovered through practice. Habit formation is the process by which behavior becomes progressively more automatic through many repetitions. Every meal and every workout becomes a health and fitness opportunity.
Habit 1. Take responsibility for eating three full meals and a snack every day. Unless you are fortunate to have a servant, you must personally commit to habitually providing your running body with the nourishment it needs to train optimally, without exhaustion.
- The program recommends eating a variety of mostly whole foods that you enjoy. Whole foods (see 4 food groups below) are those that have not been processed into more refined versions by having nutrients removed and, often, sugar and salt added.
- Think about meals that include reasonable portions of the following food groups:
1. Animalprotein(fish,meat,poultry).
2. Dairyproducts(milk,cheese,eggs).
3. VitaminsAandC,andthemineralCalcium(mostfruitsandvegetables).
4. Sourcesofotherkeyminerals(grains,legumes,nuts,andseeds).
A full meal doesn’t mean stuffed, just full. And a snack should be light and satisfying. Don’t eat between meals and give your body time to digest its food before eating your next meal or doing your next workout.
Habit 2. The hard-easy training system provides an effective way of thinking about the training process in the competitive context. But its tenets are often non-intuitive and difficult to grasp, even at the racer level. You’ll need to be carefully taught.
- A course on the heard-easy training system is taught as an adjunct to the training program. Graduating from the course is necessary to assume the master athlete level. The course has eleven, 90-minute, in-class sessions.
- See about attending at least 8 of 11 sessions, and listen to the video recording of all missed sessions. Watch the 15-minute video program in preparation for each in-class session. Read 2 pages of supplementary material and take a quiz.
- The course is an opportunity to talk about your training and get feedback about it from a master-level teacher. In the process, you will find new, more fruitful directions for your training. Maybe even to train at the master-runner level.Habit 3. Become training proficient. You’ll need to know all five components of exertion by heart, as well as the rules for structuring those components to build a full complement of five racing abilities for the specific goal race you are training for.
- You’ll develop an appreciation of a gradual, incremental approach to estab- lishingability-buildingworkoutswithoutbecomingsickorinjured. Proficiency grows safely when you challenge yourself initially at only the passable level.
- You’ll develop heart rate standards for pacing each workout at the adaptive level. Experience will indicate a narrow range of about five beats per minute that keeps you in the adaptive ball-park as you repeat each established workout.
You’ll also use pace and heart rate standards to end all workouts at the first sign of noticeable fatigue. Becoming aware of the way fatigue affects your energy is one of the necessary mindfulness skills at the racer level.
Habit 4. The other part of becoming training proficient is to develop an awareness of your sensations of energy in its several forms: running energy, workout energy, and capacity for exertion. The course teaches these ideas; you’ll need to learn them.
- Every workout has an energy component, which is even more important than effort to adaptive processes. Indeed, your effort must be coordinated with your energy as you find it during every workout, otherwise adaptation is problematic.
- Energy-related practices include logging your energy after every workout, adjusting your exertion to your energy (in spite of pacing or heart rate standards), and ending workouts according to the onset and depth of fatigue.
- Your energy aligns with metabolic forces which put it outside of your direct control. Yet you must control it for adaptive or competitive purposes whenever you do a race or workout. This conundrum is the central Racer reality.Habit 5. Become racing proficient by becoming skilled at focusing, tapering, gather- ing, warming up, and pacing a race. Test-efforts and practice races will give you an opportunity to practice these skills and to develop confidence in newly formed habits.
- Workouts and races differ fundamentally in their purpose. Thus, you’ll look to build ability with your workouts, while proving superiority with your races. The Racer discipline is to save racing for the races; never race the workouts.
- Workout efforts are highly structured between the very-easy and difficult levels, depending on your recovery level/energy. Races, by contrast, are always at least very difficult, with your highest level of energy needed for success.
- The racing process can begin as early as one or two weeks before race day. At that point, training takes a backseat to one’s competitive purpose: a much harder effort with the most energy you can muster, producing a best performance.
The BC Endurance Injury Protocol
The BC Injury Protocol (Part 1). You can’t train effectively if you are injured, meaning you experience pain at the twinging level or higher on the following scale: tender, twinge, ache, sore, severe. Use the following protocol every time you feel the sudden onset of unusual pain.
- Whenever you feel a sharp twinge of pain, back off on exertion immediately. Slow down untilthepaingoesaway,whetherinthatworkoutoroveraperiodofseveralweeks. Better to lose a few weeks of training than be saddled with interminable debilitating injury.
- Whenever you experience pain, your highest priority should be to get rid of it through a concerted injury-freeing process. First, until the injury goes away, see about changing your mindset from training to rehabilitation. Train under pain, never through it. Tender only.
- Remember, all injuries go away if they are treated properly. The most important thing is to slow down so you experience the pain at no more than the tender level. The pain will go away gradually as long as you don’t continue hurting yourself with painful exercise.
The BC Injury Protocol (Part 2). Never train with soreness that causes limping (even minor limping). Limping means you’re going too fast for rehabilitation purposes. Whatever your training purpose, it’s not as important as getting rid of the injury so you can train enjoyably and sustainably.
- The Don’ts of Injury. Don’t try shoe inserts or pain pills. Don’t stretch, unless you do it gently. Stretching feels good but often exacerbates an injury, as do strengthening and therapy exercises meant to work a damaged area that needs active rehab more than work.
- Begin with a regimen of active exercise at the gentle level. Use excruciatingly slow walk- ing to keep the pain at bay. Do very-short, 5-minute workouts to warm and loosen the area, relieving stiffness and poor circulation. Afterwards, cool it with 10 minutes of icing.
- The pain should go away from day to day, enabling you to go a little faster. Consult with a coach before going to a doctor. It’s a coach’s job to get you out of the injury. Medical consultation will be recommended if this protocol doesn’t result in rapid rehabilitation.
Solving the Injury Problem. Every pain has an antecedent problem, which must be uncovered and solved by active intervention. Most athletes can reflect on their circumstances and come up with several plausible hunches about causal factors. An expert, by contrast, ferrets the answer.
- It helps, therefore, to have the input of someone more experienced than yourself. Hunches can be straw dogs. Dead ends that lead nowhere. Plausible, but in the end they don’t reveal the real problem. Find someone who can strike through to comprehension.
- Someone who can reflect, for instance, on the circumstances surrounding the onset of a pain. Most injuries are caused by too much exertion and too little rest. If that’s been true for you, then resolve to do better. Build new habits that lower the risk of future injury.
- Otherwise, you’re doomed to cast about for solutions to non-existent problems, while an injury festers long enough to be wrongly accepted as normal. An injury is never normal. There is always a way to more natural forms of exercise. But can you accept the solution?
Changing Injury-related Attitudes. Thinking: I’m a bad person; this is the end of my running career; I’m so depressed; I have to train through this injury. These are all unnecessary and counter-productive mental/emotional aspects of the injury phenomenon.
- You must nurture a positive mental attitude because that will lead to the positive emotions that should drive your decision-making. The first step is to become aware of your injury- related mental conversation. What are you telling yourself about it and how does that feel?
- You are ultimately responsible for dealing with the injury in such a way that you return to enjoyable, injury-free training—your natural way of being in the world. Everything else should be rooted out, along with unbridled ambition.
- My wife used to wag a finger at my injured athletes and say, “All injuries are rooted in ambition.” She was right, of course, but only the bravest athletes are willing to examine their deep-seated motivations and the compulsions that drive excessive, injurious effort.
Insensitivity to your body can easily lead to injury. Pain is one way your body signals some- thing’s wrong. Yet many people will deny the pain is there, or simply overlook it as necessary or inevitable. Becoming aware of pain is the primary prerequisite for effective injury rehabilitation.
- You may think you are in charge of your body and that what you say goes. But your body operates according to rules and processes that can be foreign to your mind, which is thrown to intuitive, habitual, and often incorrect decisions, without thorough assessment.
- Your physical self doesn’t think with words or concepts, but with pain and other physical sensations. Your body governs these sensations with forces beyond your direct control. It has at least equal claim to agency with your thoughts, emotions, and perspectives.
- Thus, the most you can hope for during a workout is to control your body indirectly through scrupulously correct exertion, such as a proper warm-up. And by never over training. Our goal is to enjoy year-round, pain-free, and sustainable fitness exercise.
The Transition and the Warm-up. The “warm-up” doesn’t actually begin until about 10-15 minutes into a running workout. That’s how long it takes for the metabolic “transition” force to run its course. The transition decreases energy and increases the risk of injury.
- The “transition” phase of the workout energy cycle occurs between standing around before the workout and the warm-up phase, which begins once you’ve walked or jogged for 10 minutes, or so. The transition takes the form of a physical shock to your body.
- As such, the transition is a tricky part of the workout. If you go too fast—especially if you can hear your breathing—you can easily injure yourself or become prematurely fatigued. The transition can reverberate throughout the workout, so it must be handled carefully.
- Your transition pace should be excruciatingly slow. Some have said “painfully” slow, but that is an incorrect term. If anything, it should be painlessly slow, meaning you feel no pain at all. Thus, your first training goal is to minimize the shock of each workout transition.
Body Scanning (Part 1). Soccer champion, Lionel Messi, runs less during a match than his peers. But he scans the field 50 times a minute, far more than most. Similarly, great runners scan their body constantly and habitually for signs of distress—warnings that require their attention.
- Weird or unusual sharp-darting pain is the easiest to acknowledge, but not always the easiest to accept. The mind resists the obvious solution: to slow down and let the pain subside, especially when your energy is good and you want to go as fast as it will let you.
- Nonetheless, your highest priority is to run injury-free. Injury precludes joyful running and is ultimately unsustainable. To be injury-free requires freedom from whatever is driving you. Even novice athletes can be ambitious, about burning calories, if nothing else.
- Thus, body scanning is the prerequisite of injury-free running. Notice pain that lingers at such a low level that it hardly warrants consciousness. Tolerable pain is pain. And unsus- tainability develops from pain that isn’t treated seriously and expeditiously. So scan often.
Body Scanning (Part 2). A full body scan only takes a moment, as you have broad and imme- diate access to your entire body from head to heels and from the skin to your deepest innards. All your bones and joints, but especially the working parts, should be regularly scrutinized.
- Think first in terms of your body’s painful messages? Does a pain require immediate adjustment to your pace or stride? How about your footfall? Are you compensating with limping or poor posture for some barely acknowledged discomfort?
- Where are the sensations coming from? And is location, pace, or posture the main precipitating factor of an incipient pain? Remember, pain-free exercise is our highest priority. Abundant energy is nice to have, but high-level exercise is not always advisable.
- The physical body is only one aspect of the body and how it communicates with the thinking, observing mind. Pay attention to the affective side of your experience: the feelings that give rise to tension, anxiety, and fear. Strive always to augment relaxation.
Shoes and Injury. Training-related issues, such as warming-up incorrectly, can cause injuries. But there could be other problems. Shoes, for instance, can be a major cause of recurring injury. It’s often good to cover the new-shoe base as one of your first steps in the rehabilitation process.
- Find expert advice before you invest in a new pair of shoes. Go to a reputable running shoe store where the sales people know how to match your bone-and-muscle structure needs with a shoe’s intended function and features. And where they’ll let you jog in them.
- Running shoes wear out and compress much more quickly than street shoes. Often the uppers can look brand new, but the compression is hidden in the mid-sole. Even minor wear and compression can cause significant injury. So inspect your shoes frequently.
- A new shoe is as good as it will ever be the first time you take it out for a run. Once it starts to compress, it may feel broken in and comfortable, but it’s less capable of protecting you from pounding-related injuries because the platform is no longer supple or level.
Rehabilitating an Injury in Three Phases
Base-building. The goal is to establish a base of three workouts a week, without increasing pain during or between workouts. Rather, as you repeat base-regimen workouts, there should be a gradual but noticeable diminishing of pain from workout to workout, or week to week.
- At this base level, workout frequency, pace, and duration should depend entirely on what the injury allows, without returning to your full training load. That might be from daily 5- minute walks at a very-slow pace to several 30-minute workouts per week at a slow pace.
- The key is to never allow the pain to rise above the tender level during a workout and, similarly, never allow the pain between workouts to increase as a result of the workouts you are doing. This can be a trial-and-error process; it’s best to smooth peaks and valleys.
- The sole purpose of base workouts is to increase warmth, circulation, and flexibility in the injured area, and thereby eventually restore its normal function and pain-free condition. A week at this basic level is barely long enough to confirm sustainability.
Transitioning to Normal Fitness Training. Starting with the recently established rehabilitation regimen, there should be a gradual, incremental increase in workout pace and/or duration, as injury pain subsides. Beware, however. Increased effort is not the same as a return to training.
- You are still in rehabilitation mode until you have completed phase three: return to fitness. Meanwhile, phase two is a transition between building a sustainable base (in phase 1) and progressing to a normal, injury-free training load (in phase three).
- Phase two is still part of the gradual, incremental rehabilitation process as opposed to actual “training.” And pain—not THE schedule—is the final arbiter of when and how to increase pace or duration. Pain is in the body’s realm of control; your role is listener.
- The key is to never increase the workout load unless you are 80-90% sure the current rehab regimen isn’t threatened by a sudden return to debilitating injury. Remember, your energy will probably run ahead of your ability to ward off renewed injury.
Return to Fitness. In phases one and two, you established a normal training regimen at the passable level of proficiency. In phase three, the goal is to feel progressively more injury-free and able to train at your usual fitness level, rising from passable, to effective, and then fully-able.
- Throughout this process, there is a constant risk of slipping back to injury—the ineffective or unable proficiency levels—due to excessive effort. You must be aware of whatever is driving you: the emotion, the ambition, and the anxiety. All important Tells.
- It’s important, therefore, to linger a while at the effectively-able level in order to allow the body time to adapt to your new training load—but more importantly—to continue reducing the underlying feeling of vulnerability to renewed injury.
- In other words, resist the urgent desire to get back to the way training was before the injury. It could be that it was too hard, anyway, and objective reassessment of the training load is necessary. In this context, it’s always best to consider enjoyment and sustainability.
L4 Phone and Email Roster
Name | Phone | |
Ada-Marie Pollard | | 808-372-7573 |
Brian Clarke | | 808-391-8598 |
Candice Box | | 808-741-2743 |
Colette Corbin | | 808-679-2881 |
Evelyn Chock | | 808-781-8072 |
Karen Kau | | 808-282-5915 |
Maiju Kutty | | 808-375-0999 |
Mark Valencia | | 808-341-1432 |
Shawna Ryan | | 510-229-9445 |
Sheri Fitzgerald | | 808-457-9116 |
Foam Rollers on Amazon
Foam rollers. Candice Box sends the following links to foam rollers on Amazon (posted in February, 2022).
For a higher pain tolerance ProsourceFit High Density Speckled Black Foam Rollers
For a high pain tolerance TriggerPoint GRID Foam Roller for Exercise, Deep Tissue Massage and Muscle Recovery, Original (13-Inch)
For a medium tolerance ProsourceFit Flex Foam Rollers
For a light pain tolerance ProsourceFit Flex Foam Rollers
Earbuds, Heart Straps and more...
Wireless Earbuds*
There are lots of alternatives and an incredible range of prices. Here are two from a reasonably reliable vendor AUKEY:
- AUKEY-EP-N5 ($60) – Noise canceling
- AUKEY-EP-T21 ($30) – Non-noise canceling (i.e. wind noise while you’re running)
* For safety’s sake, wear only one earbud while training where you can get run over.
Heart Rate Straps
There are lots of heart rate straps too. Most are worn around the mid-chest, but a few are worn on the forearm, are just as accurate, yet much more comfortable. These Scosche forearm straps work with smartphones and Garmin and Apple watches.
- Scosche Rhythm+ ($80) – Works with most running watches and smartphones.
- Scosche Rhythm24 ($100) – Works standalone (with or without a watch or phone).
GPS tracking
By far the least expensive alternative is to simply use an app on your smart phone.
More convenient, more accurate, and more expensive, are GPS watches.
- DC Rainmaker Sports Tech Buyers’ Guide – Exhaustive, unbiased reviews.
- Garmin Forerunner 45 ($200)
- Garmin Forerunner 245 ($300)
- Apple Watch 3, 4, 5, 6, SE ($200 – $500)
- and many, many others…
L4 Race Results
Johnny Faerber 10K (February 6, 2022)
Here’s a link to a PDF file.
King’s Runner Course Description (by Street).
Maiju's street-by-street directions for following the course.
Here’s a link to a PDF file. Thank you to Maiju for his work on this file.
Waikiki-Diamond Head Workout (Turn-around Pace Chart)
Waikiki Turn-around Times.
Here’s a link to a PDF file.
Stretching Routine
Warm-up Stretching Routine.
Here’s a link to a PDF file.
Meeting Access
Connect by Phone
(Audio only) One-touch number: +13462487799,,87875359367#
- On your computer, copy the one-touch number above.
- Paste the one-touch number into a new contact named Level 4 workout dial-up meeting.
- On your smartphone, tap your contact, Level 4 workout dial-up meeting number.
- To rejoin a meeting, tap Level 4 workout dial-up meeting in your phone’s Recent calls list.
Connect by Zoom
Connect by Zoom app (audio w/ names)
- On your computer or smartphone, select the Zoom link above.
- Your web browser will load, followed by the Zoom app.
- If prompted to enter a password, use: BC
Join Slack
Please join the NEW BC Endurance Community Slack App. A convenient chat app to keep us all in the know, help you connect with us and each other and stay up to date on weekly announcements. You can talk gear, health, food and whatever else you like. A great way to connect with everyone and stay informed.
The Components of Exertion
Heart Rate
Held Back
Very Fast
Very Slow
Very Uncomfortable
Very Comfortable
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