Handling Injury Course

An Inquiry into the Causes and Ways of Dealing with Injuries.


What is Injury?  

      • An injury is simply physical pain.
      • We measure pain as:  Tender, Twinge, Ache, Sore, Severe.
      • Injury exists wherever you experience pain above the tender level.
      • Thus, for example, a twinge of sharp, darting pain is injury at the lowest level.

Injury:  Problems and Solutions.

      • This course is an inquiry into the causes and ways of handling injuries.
      • During the course, you’ll learn how to deal with your specific injuries or, if you are a coach, the injuries of those in your group.
      • The course uses a case study approach, as you will follow the story and experiences of an “everyman” recreational athlete to learn about injuries.

The Brian Dote Injury Case Study.

      • Brian D. was training for the 2022 Honolulu Marathon when his training was set back by two injuries.
      • The way out of the first injury was easy, but the way out of the second injury was complicated by Brian’s inability to truly understand what was causing his sore knee.
      • By following Brian’s story, you’ll learn from his mistakes and his revelations so you can derive some rock-solid ways of recognizing an injury, identifying its cause, and getting rid of it so you can continue training.

Course Details.  The course is in two parts: the first costs $25 and includes five Wisdom Topics (see below).  The second part is $65.

      • Once you’ve paid for each part, you’ll be given a link to the material so you can access it.
      • You can also access a series of five injury-related Wisdom Topics, which are 12-line audio presentations that you can use to become mindful of important injury-related principles and practices.

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