Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
- Do I have to be "in shape" to join?
No. We know how to assess your condition and sart you at an appropriate training level. If you're willing to start with workouts that seem too short and slow, you'll progress rapidly without injury or undue fatigue.
- Should I consult my doctor before starting?
Yes, especially if you are already under a doctor's care for any chronic health issue. The main thing is to do nothing that will cause you pain or discomfort, nothing that isn't enjoyable and sustainable. It's our job to teach you how to train safely and effectively; it's your job to attend three workouts a week and train as instructed.
- If I don't see results, can I get my money back?
If you are not entirely satisfied with the program, we’ll refund your money in full, upon request, and without question. Then all you will have spent is time, the value of which will be returned to you as experience and knowledge.
- What is included in the membership fee?
The membership fee gains you access to three professionally facilitated group workouts per week at a variety of convenient locations across O‘ahu. If you miss an evening workout, you can "make-up" the workout on your own, while you listen to a recording of the facilitator as he/she instructed our athletes during the missed workout.
You will also gain access to exclusive members-only content on our website, including educational course material on a wide range of fitness-related topics. A special perk of the BC Endurance community is our frequent "trademark" potluck meals. Most important: you'll also gain valuable community support for becoming fit for life.
- What if I don't have enough time for three workouts per week?
Another way to ask the question is: How much time are you willing to invest in a program that proves necessary for your health and fitness, and without which you are likely to perform less-than optimally in your career and family?
Maybe you’re so over-committed it’s hard to imagine taking on anything new. If it’s a matter of priorities, would this program fit at a minimal, yet still valuable, level? Or would you continue without the program, training on a catch-as-catch-can basis that could be jeapardizing your long-term health and fitness?
If your goal is to be fit and healthy, you must sustain several regular weekly workouts. That makes a wash of your fitness-related time commitment, as you must train whether it's with us or not. Or maybe you feel justified kicking back after a long and tiring work day/week.
So, please consider all the activities you currently spend time on. Which of those activities could you do without? Would you be willing to prune some of the low-priority activities so you have time to invest in a program that enables your goal of a longer, healthier and more active life?
- Do I need any special equipment?
Good running or walking shoes are a must have. Here is a link to a primer on getting shoes.
A bluetooth enabled cell phone to participate fully in coach-facilitated workouts on Zoom Audio.
A bright flashlight for training in poorly lit areas.
A fanny pack for carrying stuff.
Warm clothes you can layer if the weather turns blustery. And a hat.
Start Your Lifetime Health and Fitness Transformation.
Click the "Get Started" button and tell us about your fitness goals and interests. You will be added to our user list with access to the BC Endurance members-only website.