BC Summer Fitness Training.

The Program:

      • Build your strength for the Fall Training.
      • Nine weeks June 1 to July 27.
      • Three in-person workouts per week.  Mondays: 6 p.m. Honolulu Back Roads.  Wednesdays: 6 p.m. Grass intervals.  Saturdays: 7:30 a.m. Trails.
      • Join us once, twice or three times per week.  One introductory price: $150.

NOTE:  Trail photos and videos will be posted weekly on the Trails page at this link.   

Stacy’s weekday workout videos can be seen by clicking the links below:

      • Makakilo Hills (July 1, 2024) Link.
      • Koolina Jogging Path (July, 18, 2024) Link.

Week Nine Announcements: July 29 (Monday) to August 3 (Saturday).

      • Monday, July 29.  Meet at 6:00 p.m. in the parking lot at Lincoln Elementary School on Auwaiolima Street accross from Roosevelt.  Here’s a map link.  We will follow a map route into Pauoa Valley.  Here’s the link to the route.
      • Wednesday, July 31.  Meet at 6 p.m. at the restroom on Victoria Street in Thomas Square.  Let’s do 7 x 7-minute intervals on a mix of grass and walkway surfaces.
      • Saturday, August 3.   Meet at 7:00 a.m. in the small parking area at the Waimanalo trail head of the Maunawili Trail.  Here’s a map link.  This will be another 3-hour run (90 minutes out and 90 minutes back).  Bring water and a snack.  Expect mosquitoes at the meeting place.  And mud on parts of the trail.  Come prepared to clean off before heading home.
      • The Summer Fitness Schedule:  Use this link.  Note:  The announcements always take priority over the schedule.



Interested?  Please fill out the pre-program questionnaire


      • Come once, twice, or three times a week.
      • Introductory Fee: $150.  Pay after the first 2-week, no-obligation period.

Start Your Lifetime Health and Fitness Transformation.

Click the "Get Started" button and tell us about your fitness goals and interests.  You will be added to our user list with access to the BC Endurance members-only website.