
Few people understand training fundamentals, and fewer still can teach the fundamentals in a way that makes sense to beginners and advanced athletes alike. As dedicated teachers, we believe in supporting our student-athletes to learn better ways of sustaining lifelong health and fitness. That’s why education is a core component of every BC Endurance program. 

Courses for Small Groups

Our flagship educational courses are each offered once per year in three 90-minute, small-group meetings, with monthly or quarterly follow up sessions.

The Hard-Easy System

Students learn the principles and tenets of this time-tested methodology, applying hard-easy concepts to their personal training and racing for the sake of sustainability, if not improved performance.

Sensible Eating

The course describes the entire eating process on twelve 5-level scales. Students can measure their performance against an optimal standard and then decide how and when to change their eating behavior.

The 7 Habits

A unique take on Steven Covey’s book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” Each of the seven habits is measured on a 5-level, descriptive scale from high-to-low, so students can work towards optimal performance.

The Race Mentality

This case study uses a runner’s memoir to study how the mental repercussions of any racing effort can affect subsequent race performance, and how racers determine their experience by their thinking.

Online Standalone Programs

The following standalone programs augment the training programs with added knowledge and insight. They were developed to elucidate our fundamental training principles in compact, cogent and informative terms. Online programs are available for free to current members, or for a fee to non-members. Fill out the “Sign Up” form below to receive more information.

Athletes who “hate” running hills learn how to enjoy hill training while building leg power.

Student-athletes learn to deal with a serious injury, using the case of an Everyman marathoner who was challenged by a mystifying injury that prevented him from training effectively for the Honolulu Marathon.

Athletes learn about Hard-Easy System through the thoughts, experiences, and attitudes of an experienced woman athlete.

Athletes learn to use gentle movement stretching to increase their range of pain-free motion.

This is the stand-alone version of the Hard-Easy System audio-visual program.  It’s the conceptual basis for inquiry during the course for small groups.

Start Your Lifetime Health and Fitness Transformation.

Click the "Get Started" button and tell us about your fitness goals and interests.  You will be added to our user list with access to the BC Endurance members-only website.