Hapalua & Hibuscus
Half-Marathon training
Hibiscus Announcements: In this space starting again in April, 2025.
- Here are the details on phoning into the Monday or Wednesday workouts:
- Listen and participate on your cell phone by clicking this link just before 6:00 p.m. The meeting ID is 878 7535 9367 and the passcode is BC.
- Or you may call this number +13462487799,,87875359367# The Meeting ID is 878 7535 9367 and the password is BC. Note, enter commas with the “pause” button on an iPhone.
The Hapalua & Hibuscus Half-Marathon
- Experience and Qualifications. The 12-week program addresses the needs of intermediate and advanced student-athletes (whether runners, joggers, or walkers), with recent race experience.
- The program hones racing skills in a non-competitive, supportive group setting, with expert coaching and teaching.
- Train three times a week: In person on Monday evening and Saturday morning, and by telephone conference-call with your coach and teammates on Wednesday evenings.
Interested? Please fill out the pre-program questionnaire
The Information Meeting.
- Purpose. Your questions answered, meet the coches and your teammates, and orient you to the conference-call setting.
- Time and “Place.” Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. by telephone conference call (no video).
- Listen and participate on your cell phone by clicking this link just before 6:00 p.m. The meeting ID is 878 7535 9367 and the passcode is BC.
- Or you may call this number +13462487799,,87875359367# The Meeting ID is 878 7535 9367 and the password is BC. Note, enter commas with the “pause” button on an iPhone.
The Workouts
- The first workout is on Saturday, March 9 at 7 a.m. The meeting place location is the parking lot at Kakaako Park (at the makai foot of Cooke Street).
- During the first workout, you’ll learn thebasics of uphill training for muscle power, and we will take first steps towards building a support team.
- All program workouts prepare intermediate and advanced racers (whether runners, joggers, or walkers) mentally and physically for the rigors of a half-marathon.
- The workouts consist of hill training for power on Mondays, interval training for tempo ability on Wednesdays, and long runs for stamina on Saturdays.
- The Wednesday conference-call workouts. Train conveniently from your home or workplace (once a week), while you listen to the coach give instructions and lead discussions through your bluetooth-enabled cell phone.
Interested? Please fill out the pre-program questionnaire
The Schedule. For your information, here is a copy of the 2024 Hapalua/Hibiscus training schedule.
- Scheduling is our way of gathering a group that becomes a team for support and disciplined training purposes. Please see about clearing your schedule for the entire 12-week training.
- The 2-Week Enrollment Period. Newcomers are expected to attend six in-person workouts during the first two weeks as an enrollment condition.
- During the Enrollment Period. We teach the basics of hill and tempo interval training, starting at an easy level so you don’t hurt yourself at the outset.
- Post-enrollment-period workout start-times. In person on Mondays (at 6:00 p.m.) and Saturdays at 7:00 a.m.) and by conference call on Wednesdays (at 5:30 p.m.).
A Sensible Eating Course
- All student-athletes (racers and boomer/seniors) in the March-May programs are eligible to attend our 4-session course on eating sensibly.
- This is an inquiry into the eating process, including the habits which might be changed to improve your health, fitness, and longevity.
- Please refer to the course curriculum at this link.
Hapalua Tuition/Payment.
$75 non-refundable deposit to start.
$250 Balance Payment due after the two-week enrollment period. Payments in two installments are okay.
Note: Two deals have been offered: 1) Veterans of the pre-pandemic BC Marathon Training may pay in full for $100 at the end of the first 2 weeks. 2) Newcomers may do the 6-week Hapalua training without missing more than five workouts and pay what the program was worth to you by April 14 (Hapalua race day), or if you choose to do the whole program, by May 26 (Hibiscus race day).
$100 Payment due after the two-week enrollment period, ending May 4. Payments in two installments are okay.
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Click the "Get Started" button and tell us about your fitness goals and interests. You will be added to our user list with access to the BC Endurance members-only website.
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