
Member Profile: Kelley Peregoy

Member Profile: Kelley Peregoy

Kelley Peregoy met Brian Clarke by chance at a social event, where they got to talking about health and fitness. Having recently undergone back surgery, Kelley – a former gymnast and river rafting guide – expressed his desire to get back into shape. So when Brian...

Member Profile: Lisa Wong

Member Profile: Lisa Wong

After training with Brian for 15 years, Lisa stopped during the pandemic when the practices shifted to a virtual and then hybrid format. She continued to work out on her own and with other groups, but wasn’t satisfied with the results. So she rejoined Brian’s group...

Member Profile: Sheri Fitzgerald

Member Profile: Sheri Fitzgerald

Sheri began training with Brian after years of competitive running. While she initially joined BC Endurance Trainings to improve her finish times, she is now exploring her health and wellbeing through a more holistic lens and enjoys the emphasis on “the whole person”...

Member Profile: Steve Davidson

Member Profile: Steve Davidson

A long-term competitive racer and triathlete, Steve Davidson was one more elite athlete who just learned to live with injury after injury and "power through" them to keep racing. In the last year-and-a-half since training with Brian Clarke, Steve has been injury-free...

Member Profile: Stacy Zembik

Member Profile: Stacy Zembik

Stacy started running to honor her late sister, and was a regular participant in The Great Aloha Run. But she realized she lacked methodology in her training. After joining BC Endurance Trainings, was soon doing the Honolulu Marathon and is now a regular in many of...

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