how to enroll
Steps to Get Started
Select Your Best Fit
Select one of the five fitness levels as a best description of your current fitness profile.
Agree to the Prerequisites
For each profile there are unique requirements you will need to agree to. This is important for your success and to protect you form any injuries.
The Enrollment Process
5 simple steps to transformation!
Sign Up
The intake form is simple and meant to collect needed information including a call to confirm your personal fitness level.
When we receive the form we will send you two mp3 wisdom topics in the “Enjoyable Hill Training” Series.
Receive Qualifying Call
A one on one call with a BCE Staff to discuss your goals and concerns as well as confirm your fitness level profile.
Pay Deposit
The full program is $250, To get started you only need to pay $50. It includes access to all the member features and two weeks of workouts (6 in total)
You receive two more free wisdom topic mp3s!
Gain Access to the BCET Website
Access to a fuller description of the program, pdf downloads, log report forms, etc via a user name and password to the BCET member’s web portal.
Receive invite to first 6 workouts
Includes access to post-workout logging reports after every workout so you can track your progress. After 6 workouts you pay the balance on the $250 tuition and continue training!
Frequently Asked Questions
- Do I have to be "in shape" to join?
There are five fitness levels from the transitioners who haven't exercised in ages to master racers who are on top of their fitness game. You'll fit in somewhere. And when you find your group, you'll be with others at the same fitness level with similar fitness needs and goals.
- Should I consult my doctor before starting?
Yes, especially if you are already under a doctor's care for any chronic health issue. The main thing, however, is to do nothing that will cause you pain or discomfort, nothing that isn't enjoyable and sustainable. It's the staff's job to teach you how to train safely and effectively during workouts using the hard-easy system. It's your job to attend three workouts a week and practice what the facilitator instructs you to do.
- If I don't see result after 6 weeks can I get my money back?
Your so generous to give yourself six weeks. :>} We will ask you to decide what fitness parameters you wish to track when you log your workouts. We want to know if you're getting injured; you may want to know whether you are getting up a certain flight of stairs with greater ease. You'll see significant improvement in 6 weeks or you can have your money back.
- What is included in the registration fee?
The fee enables you to participate in three live workouts per week for the duration of the program. If you miss a live workout, you may listen to the recording during a "make-up" workout on your own.
You'll track your workouts using our workout log. And we will give you regular information updates on your progress. We will also recognize your fitness achievements on the acknowledgements page of our website.
Moreover, we will reward you for your achievements with valuable Wisdom Topics on a wide range of fitness related topics. Most important is the ability to connect with others who can support you in becoming fit for life.
Our program is set up to give you safety in the age of pandemic. You can train confidently in a group that's connected by cell phone, but without being threatened with close proximity to others.
- Do I need any special equipment?
Good running or walking shoes are a must have. Here is a link to a primer on getting shoes.
A blue tooth enabled cell phone to participate in live workouts. Ear buds that connect to your cell phone are okay, too.
A bright flashlight for walking in the dark.
A fanny pack for carrying stuff.
Warm clothes you can layer if the weather turns blustery. And a hat.
- How do I protect myself from attack in dark neighborhoods?
The best protection against attack is a partner who trains at your pace. Find places with lots of people and scan ahead and around you for potential issues. Avoid issues by choosing to walk the other way. Take a loud whistle and scream bloody murder if necessary to draw attention to your situation. Find quiet/safe neighborhoods where there are people around indoors, and hardly anyone on the road with you. Walk in the middle of a quiet street or road where you have space from others on the sidewalk.
Start Your Lifetime Health and Fitness Transformation.
Click the "Get Started" button and tell us about your fitness goals and interests. You will be added to our user list with access to the BC Endurance members-only website.