Lifestyle Fitness Programs for
Runners, Joggers, Walkers
All Endurance Athletes.

Read below, then sign up for our excellent training programs.

Our 3-step enrollment process


1. Choose Your Fitness Level:

Read the fitness level profiles (below) and choose a “best-fit.”    Confirm your fitness level with one of our fitness experts in step 2.


2. Fitness Confirmation:

Newcomers:  Please sign up for a qualifying call with one of our fitness experts.  Veterans (familiar with our system) please proceed to payment.


3. Pay Deposit & Begin

A $50 non-refundable deposit gains access to a 2-week (6 workout) trial period before full enrollment and final  payment.

Newcomers, who pay the $50 deposit, immediately receive our 8-file wisdom topic album on Enjoyable Hill Training.

Full commitment day is two weeks after the first workout, when the balance of the $250
tuition is due.

Upcoming BC Endurance Programs

Open Water Swim Training

Preparing intermediate and advanced racers for the Waikiki Rough Water Swim (September 3, 2022) and the North Shore Swim Series of five summer races (June 18 to July 30).

Honolulu Marathon Training

Preparing intermediate and advanced athletes for the 50th annual Honolulu Marathon on December 11, 2022.

Oahu Trail Training

Preparing beginners to run, jog, or walk on Oahu’s mountain trails.   Also preparing intermediate and advanced athletes for selected races in the summer 2022 HURT trail.

Baby Boomer Fitness Training, Pt 2

Preparing Boomer-age beginner athletes for basic fitness, with light exertion walking and limbering exercises, plus a 3-part course on sensible eating.

The Five BC Fitness-Level Profiles


Non-Athlete to Novice

Transitioners are in transit between staying in-doors exclusively and getting out to exercise several times a week.  Transitioners need constant, supportive mentoring and facilitation to develop the basic habits needed to enjoy raising their activity level with easy, non-injurious workouts.


Novice to Beginner

Launchers past the age of 30 are on a downward fitness slide.  A dearth of exercise has put them on the brink of chronic illness.  Yet their aversion to exertion, along with time and energy considerations, can easily preclude immediate commitment to a regular exercise regimen.


Beginner to Intermediate

Practitioners need to develop a regular, non-injurious fitness regimen, including a minimum of three scheduled workouts each week and lots of focused practice.  By the end of the program, their work will have qualified them as full-fledged intermediate athletes.


Intermediate to Advanced

Racers want to do a specific race but they aren’t clear about how to train for it effectively.  Their training is fraught with pitfalls based on limited experience, incorrect ideas, and haphazard planning, all of which prevents them from becoming fully racing fit.  They attempt with will power what requires finesse.


Advanced to Master

Masters are not necessarily above a certain age, but experts in their field.  They have vast experience with the year-round training process.  They know how to train hard several times a week, while recovering regularly and adequately for months, without injury, illness, or exhaustion.


A Stress-release Outlet

Are you unable to get out the door for a walk or jog because you’re feeling stressed out and exhausted from your workday?  Are you tired of putting yourself on the backburner because you “have to” take care of others in your life?

Do you hate yourself for sitting on the couch unable to move when you want and need to go outside for fresh air and enjoyable exercise?

You don’t have to feel that way anymore.  Here’s a convenient way to get your workouts in while you connect with other positive people who are committed to taking care of themselves so they can do more in life.

Becoming Accountable

We recommend doing program workouts “live,” three times a week with our friendly supportive staff and a group of like-minded athletes who are also at your fitness level.  Your friends  and trainer provide a show-up-and-train discipline and habit that you may not already have when it comes to training by yourself.

Our Promise to All Athletes

We consider skills, posture, shoes, injuries, pacing, and other training factors to be important aspects of every fitness level program.

As such, you’ll increase your basic health and fitness or accomplish your racing goals safely, competently, and enjoyably, with a proven training program, expert coaching, and friendly group support.

Online and In-Person Group Training

We are committed to staying within governmental COVID restrictions.  All programs include three weekly workouts scheduled with your group and facilitator at mutually convenient times.

Where possible, we will meet in person and train in ability groups once a week at a pre-arranged location for  purposes of evaluation,  mutual support, individual instruction, and grouping.   

For safety during the pandemic, however, you’ll be connected to your teammates and your facilitator during some workouts via a Blue-tooth-enabled telephone conference call.  On the call, you can listen to the trainer’s instructions and have relevant discussions with your teammates, as if you were training together in an “in-person” group.


Improved Fitness Guaranteed

Whether your fitness goal is to more easily climb a flight of stairs or finish a 5K fun run, we believe you’ll feel and perform better after training consistently with us three times a week for only several weeks.  You’ll have more energy, plus greater skill and confidence in your new fitness ability.  If, however, you are not completely satisfied with your BC Endurance program experience, we will refund your tuition (minus the $50 deposit) completely without questin.

Full-proof Injury Protocol

We employ the hard-easy system in training all our athletes.  Developed originally by Brian’s University of Oregone track coach, Bill Bowerman, it’s the most effective system yet devised for training endurance athletes.

The goal is to improve fitness without injury.  But, since injury is common, we will teach you the BC injury protocol so you know how to recognize, measure, and get rid of unwanted pain at its earliest stage.

Or, if you’re already injured, we will help you manage your exertion so you can rehabilitate quickly and thereby resume regular fitness training without pain.  All injuries go away when they are handled correctly.

Fitness for Boomers by Boomers.

We are an age-inclusive fitness program, but we specialize in working with the Baby Boomer generation (currently 58 to 75 years old).  We know how difficult it is for older adults to get out the door and to sustain a year-round walking, stretching, strengthening, and sensible eating regimen.

Our team of boomer-age facilitators will assist you to build your fitness safely, enjoyable, and sustainably, without pain or discomfort.  We’ll give you the support you need to get away from work, family, or passive entertainment, to develop an enjoyable pre-workout routine, and to leave your anxieties about “fitness exercise” at the doorstep.

Here is the link to our Boomer Fitness page so you can learn more about this excellent training program.

I’m Brian Clarke

I learned the Hard-Easy System in the mid-1960s under Bill Bowerman, my track coach at the University of Oregon.

One of my goals, when I began my coaching career in 1979, was to better understand the Hard-Easy System I learned from Bowerman so I could train my athletes as effectively as he trained me.

BC Endurance fitness programs accelerate the learning process so you can avoid the perennial training pitfalls.  If you are serious about learning, our team of trainers is serious about teaching.

Stories and Articles

Member Profile: Kelley Peregoy

Member Profile: Kelley Peregoy

Kelley Peregoy met Brian Clarke by chance at a social event, where they got to talking about health and fitness. Having recently undergone back surgery, Kelley – a former gymnast and river rafting guide – expressed his desire to get back into shape. So when Brian...

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Member Profile: Lisa Wong

Member Profile: Lisa Wong

After training with Brian for 15 years, Lisa stopped during the pandemic when the practices shifted to a virtual and then hybrid format. She continued to work out on her own and with other groups, but wasn’t satisfied with the results. So she rejoined Brian’s group...

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Member Profile: Sheri Fitzgerald

Member Profile: Sheri Fitzgerald

Sheri began training with Brian after years of competitive running. While she initially joined BC Endurance Trainings to improve her finish times, she is now exploring her health and wellbeing through a more holistic lens and enjoys the emphasis on “the whole person”...

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Member Profile: Steve Davidson

Member Profile: Steve Davidson

A long-term competitive racer and triathlete, Steve Davidson was one more elite athlete who just learned to live with injury after injury and "power through" them to keep racing. In the last year-and-a-half since training with Brian Clarke, Steve has been injury-free...

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Member Profile: Stacy Zembik

Member Profile: Stacy Zembik

Stacy started running to honor her late sister, and was a regular participant in The Great Aloha Run. But she realized she lacked methodology in her training. After joining BC Endurance Trainings, was soon doing the Honolulu Marathon and is now a regular in many of...

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Member Profile: Evelyn Chock

Member Profile: Evelyn Chock

My son Ethan is a high school freshman who loves competitive running. But he is currently unable to train because he is recuperating from a second debilitating running injury sustained during the recent cross-country season. Brian offered to teach Ethan about the...

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Annie T.

Annie T.

The BC Endurance Training helped me to stay on track with my workout goals and introduced me to a wonderful community of people. The conference-call workouts kept me accountable and more likely to show up for myself and others. And the guidance from Brian was so...

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Start Your Lifetime Health and Fitness Transformation.

Click the "Get Started" button and tell us about your fitness goals and interests.  You will be added to our user list with access to the BC Endurance members-only website.