by Brian Clarke | Oct 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
…make you faster than your innate talent allows. But it can help you… Understand and avoid the mental pitfalls that lead to injury, illness, and exhaustion.Develop more effective training and racing habits so you actually reach your inherent...
by Brian Clarke | Oct 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
A state-of-the-art workout log that measures adaptive progress by tracking ten descriptive indicators of your effort and energy during workouts.A safe and private forum for written conversations on program-related topics, including sensible eating, dealing with...
by Brian Clarke | Oct 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
The program director (Brian Clarke) writes and makes available detailed workout descriptions, video lessons, and articles, in addition to keeping virtual office hours.Facilitators and their understudies conduct “live” (or recorded) workout sessions, interpreting the...
by Brian Clarke | Oct 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
Launch a fitness program from scratch. Including two 6-week training periods that help beginners get off the couch and out the door where they can follow one of two 12-week basic fitness programs, starting with easy and enjoyable workouts three times a week, building...
by Brian Clarke | Oct 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
Among other things, our athletes will structure their workouts to build five racing abilities, ending each workout at the right moment so they don’t over train.Thus, optimal training will require specialized knowledge so athletes can make correct training decisions...
by Brian Clarke | Oct 23, 2020 | Uncategorized
In part one you’ll learn how to measure exertion so you can structure your workouts to build five racing abilities (stamina, power, tempo, speed, and endurance). In part two you’ll learn how to optimize workout effort so you can maximize the adaptive...